Sunday, March 27, 2011

Seafood & health

Evidence suggests that you get real health benefits when you eat just two servings of seafood every week — that’s about 200–400g of seafood. Here’s how the goodness of seafood can help to keep you healthy.

Health benefits from eating seafood

Studies show that two or more servings of seafood per week may help:

  • lower the risk of coronary heart disease
  • lower blood pressure
  • prevent arrhythmia in the heart muscle
  • prevent a second heart attack in people who already have heart disease
  • ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
  • develop nerve and brain cells in infants
  • promote good mental health
  • reduce the risk of prostate cancer
  • reduce Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio so that lung cancer is less invasive
  • decrease the risk of bowel cancer
  • ease inflamed airways

What's in seafood that makes it so good?

Oily fish, like salmon or mackerel, are very high in Omega-3 which are an essential part of a healthy diet.Eating seafood boasts many health benefits including lowering the risk of coronary heart disease, lowering blood pressure, and improving arthritis and asthma symptoms. So what’s in seafood that makes it so good?

  • High in Omega-3 and fatty acids
  • High in protein
  • Low in carbohydrates and saturated fats
  • Low in saturated fats
  • A good source of essential minerals and vitamins
  • Completely natural and easy to digest
  • Seafood for Health
High in protein
A 100g serving of fish provides approximately one-third of the recommended daily intake of protein for an adult male. A normal main-meal serving size is about 150gm of fish.
Low in carbohydrates and saturated fats
Most fish with fins contain no carbohydrate at all. Some shellfish, like squid and scallops, contain the carbohydrate, glycogen. Glycogen plays an important role in the glucose cycle, which produces energy.

See how seafood calorie and protein counts compare with other protein foods

Calorie content per 100g Protein content per 100g
Hoki (baked) 101 22.0
Tuna (canned) 112 25.3
Chicken (roasted) 257 19.7
Lamb (roasted) 212 24.2
Beef (mince) 213 22.3
Beans (red kidney) 102 8.4
Pork (ham) 146 16.8
Cheese (Colby) 403 22.9

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Best Home Remedies for Acne

Recently I had a terrible acne outbreak. Looking in the mirror made me scream. I didn't want to try all advertised acne creams and went to a dermatologist straight away. I asked her to prescribe me a strong acne medicine with a high concentration of benzoyl peroxide, something that would surely work.

To my surprise, the doctor said, no, no strong medication yet, let's try something else. She gave me several recopies for acne home remedies. I was disappointed, but since the doctor said it should work I tried her homemade remedies. At first I didn't want to believe it, but my skin looked better and better every day. After about two weeks there was no trace of acne. Here are the remedies that helped me, hope that they will work for you as well.

1. Mix of rosewater and lemon
Lemon is an excellent cleanser for acne affected skin. You can mix fresh lemon juice with rose water and apply to affected skin. Wash off after half an hour with clean water. This acne remedy usually shows great results in a few days and in a couple weeks acne should completely disappear from your face.
2. Toothpaste
Ordinary toothpaste can dramatically help with acne. If your face feels swollen, put a little bit of toothpaste on your pimples before going to bed. Your skin will feel much better in the morning.
3. Mint
Mint has been used to stop acne for centuries. It probably grows in your garden or you can buy it in a fruit and vegetable shop. Squeeze juice from mint leaves and apply to your face before going to bed.
4. Vinegar
Simple home vinegar is an effective acne cleanser. Mix it with a little salt and gently rub into your face. Wash off in about 30 minutes.
5. Cucumber
Most women know that cucumber is great for your skin. It can also be used to fight and prevent acne. Make a cucumber paste, put it on your face and let is stay there for several minutes. Unlike lemon and vinegar cucumber doesn't dry your face, quite the opposite, it moisturize your skin and supplies it with vitamins. Use cucumber mask twice a week and you will see definite improvements to your skin condition.

Acne diet is important for any acne treatment
Well, there is no such thing as a special "acne diet"; however, what you eat is greatly important for the condition of your skin. Previously, to cure acne doctors suggested cutting down only oily and sugary foods. Modern research shows that eating pizza and drinking soda, doesn't cause acne. What is really essential for acne diet is to consume enough vitamins and minerals. Vitamins that are known to help with acne are Vitamin A, Vitamin E and most B group vitamins. So balanced diet is required to stop acne outbreaks.

Drinking your 8 glasses of water is also important in a fight against acne. Enough water helps your body to clean itself of toxins. Which means less harmful substances on your skin.
I personally found rose-lemon mix the most effective. It helped to clear my face and the smell of it is just heaven. Some people recommended garlic as an acne cure, but would you like to smell of garlic when you go out?
Try using a natural acne home remedy instead of over the counter acne products. Don't trust the ads when they tell you that nothing can clean your skin as well as "you name it" acne cream or cleanser. Home treatments for acne work just fine and they are surely less harmful for your skin than harsh chemicals used in acne medicine.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Health Benefits of Drinking Beer

Most of us love to drink a glass of chilled beer now and then, and are always looking for a reason, Right? I have some excellent news for all the beer lovers. Read on to learn the health benefits of drinking beer. You will be amazed to know that beer can provide the same health benefits as a glass of wine a day.

But remember “Everything in excess is bad”, drinking lots of Beer is risky as it causes number of health problems. Therefore do not indulge in binge drinking, simply consume beer in moderation, it is actually a great healthy drink . To enjoy the benefits of beer drink it sensibly and moderately at all times.Here are the various reasons for drinking Beer.

Reduces Stress
Beer helps to lift your spirits, changes your mood while giving you a nice little buzz. It is considered as a great stress reducer,refreshes you instantly with its great taste and relaxes you.
Protects from Heart Diseases
Drinking beer moderately helps to lower the chances of strokes, heart and vascular diseases to a great extent. The Vitamin B6 in beer helps in preventing the build-up of amino acid known as homocysteine. Higher levels of homocysteine make you more susceptible to vascular and heart diseases. Beer also thins the blood immensely and increases the circulation in the brain which protects from strokes, caused due to blood clots. Therefore drinking beer helps to fight against heart diseases tremendously.
Control Diabetes
Moderate consumption of beer can easily help out in keeping your diabetes under control as the vitamin B6 aids to maintain correct blood sugar levels significantly. Beer helps to keep insulin levels in control.
Reduces Hypertension and Cholesterol
One glass of beer each day improves your arterial elasticity and helps to reduce hypertension. Moderate consumption of beer also increases your good cholesterol level, keeps a guard on your cholesterol by reducing the chances of blood clots.
Cures Insomnia
Beer acts as a natural sedative and is regarded as a very effective treatment for insomnia as it has a tendency to make one drowsy it helps a great deal making you fall asleep. A great cure for insomnia indeed. The nicotinic and lactoflavin present in beer mainly help to promote sleep.
Protects against kidney stones
Beer consumption also protects against kidney stones and gallstones. Drinking beer helps in preventing calcium deposits in the kidneys. When calcium deposits get mixed with salts and other minerals they usually turn into kidney stones. Drinking beer protects from calcium deposits and help to fight against gallstones and kidney stones immensely.
Other Benefits of Beer - Beer a natural Conditioner for Hair!
If you want extra soft hair with added body then try it with beer. Beer provides good nutritional value to your hair. Make a shampoo with beer just by mixing an egg to half a can of beer. Use this mix to massage your hair and then rinse thoroughly as usual. Beer acts as an excellent conditioner for your hair so use it once a month to give your hair the beer nutrition and make them soft and bouncy with the help of your favorite health drink.
Beer adds great nutritional value to your plants!
The next time you have a party do not throw the left over half filled beer bottles in the sink but go and pour it on your plants. Your houseplants and garden will love your beer act and will be nourished fully when the yeast adds to the soil. Beer helps you to get a blooming garden too.
Remember too much beer can make you fat and cause other various health problems. It is an excellent source of calories. Therefore take care and do not drink 2 - 3 bottles of beer a day as you will end up increasing your weight drastically and will damage your health badly.

To enjoy the health benefits of beer..........................

Monday, March 14, 2011

Can Sex helps in reducing weight ?????

Many newly engaged women drop weight without even trying from the stress and anxiety of planning a wedding and in some ways, New York City-based model and actress Kerry McCloskey was no exception. She lost 23 pounds in the six months after she got engaged, but it wasn't from stress. It was from sex -- lots of it!

According to McCloskey and a growing body of research, we can all learn something from the wanton women of Wisteria Lane on ABC's hit comedy Desperate Housewives who bed-hop in and out of their marriages and all have rather exceptional figures."It begins with thinking sexy thoughts and making sex a priority," she says of her sex diet. "I recommend having sex three to five times per week, which can be accomplished by doubling up on the weekends," McCloskey says. On average, sex burns 150 to 250 calories per half hour. "Since it's free and so much fun, I've found making love is the ultimate exercise machine."
More than just sex, McCloskey also suggests toning exercises including the "Elvis Pelvis" to help readers and their partners think sexy. To do this move, stand naked facing your partner and press your pelvises together for balance. Raise your arms to the ceiling and lean back while maintaining pelvic contact. Hold for three seconds, repeat five times.
No doubt about it, "sex is good exercise," says Laura Berman, PhD, LCSW, a clinical assistant professor of obstetrics-gynecology and psychiatry at the Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University in Chicago, and director of the Berman Center. "It gets your heart rate up even if you are not having extremely acrobatic sex," she tells WebMD.

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Mix It Up

"Sex is a form of exercise especially if you incorporate different positions," she says. "If you move around a little bit and flex your muscles, it can be a very good exercise," she says.
Recent research shows that exercise in short bursts over the course of the day can be as effective as 30 to 40 minutes in a row. "You could use sex as 15 to 20 minutes of your exercise routine and then do something else at a different point of the day."
Another perk: "Sex is the kind of exercise that most people don't find boring," Berman says.
"Getting to the point where you are highly aroused and reaching orgasm can be good cardiovascular activity," she says. "That's why we tell people in poor cardiovascular health to avoid sex," she says.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Are there any foods that help you sleep better?

The answer is Yes.....

The following foods can make getting a good night’s sleep a dream come true:

1. Warm milk. It is not a myth. Milk has some tryptophan – an amino acid that has a sedative – like effect and calcium, which helps the brain use tryptophan. In addition, there is the psychological throwback to infancy, when a warm bottle meant, “relax, everything’s fine.”
2. Turkey. Turkey contains tryptophan. To get the most from the tryptophan in turkey, eat a slice of white turkey meat on a slice of whole-wheat bread in the middle of the evening.
3. Honey. Drizzle a little in your warm milk or herb tea. Lots of sugar is stimulating, but a little glucose tells your brain to turn off orexin, a recently discovered neurotransmitter that’s linked to alertness.
4. Chamomile tea. Chamomile tea’s mild sedating effect has helped many restless people fall asleep – it is the perfect natural antidote for restless minds/bodies.
5. Bananas. They are practically a sleeping pill in a peel. In addition to a bit of soothing melatonin and serotonin, bananas contain magnesium, a muscle relaxant.
6. Oatmeal. Oats are a rich source of sleep – inviting melatonin, and a small bowl of warm cereal with a splash of maple syrup is cozy – and if you have the munchies, it is filling too.
7. Potatoes. Eating a little baked potato or a small serving of mashed or roasted potatoes will clear your body of acids that can block the effects of tryptophan.
8. Flaxseeds. When life goes awry and feeling down is keeping you up, try sprinkling 2 tablespoons of these healthy little seeds on your bedtime oatmeal. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a natural mood lifter.
9. Almonds. A handful of these heart-healthy nuts can be snooze inducing, as they contain both tryptophan and a nice dose of muscle-relaxing magnesium.
10. Whole-wheat bread. A piece of toast with your tea and honey will release insulin, which helps tryptophan get to your brain, where it’s converted to serotonin and quietly murmurs “time to sleep.”

Food avoid before sleep:

- Caffeine. A stimulant, caffeine boosts the activity of your nervous system, which makes falling asleep more hard.
- Alcohol. Although it may firstly make you feel sleepy, alcohol can cause unrestful sleep and frequent
- Heavy, spicy foods, especially if you are prone to heartburn. Eating too much may cause you to feel physically uncomfortable when lying down.
- Drugs - make sure that your prescribed medications do not cause insomnia.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How to reduce obesity at home

Keeping a strict eye on your weight not about allowing one to become too thin or too fat, but trying to keep one physically fit. Generally, youngsters also stay very close to ideal weight for their size and age if they are healthy. But problem starts to crop up in the late twenties and it reduces a person’s physical fitness. Lethargic habits begin to develop as the individual loses his interest in running, swimming or healthy activities.
To fight with this severe condition, you can take help of some simple home remedies. Below are some easy and simple home remedies.

Find the answer with a single ClickLose weight
  • To prevent obesity, there is no better option than physical exercise. Brisk walking is the best exercise to begin with. As soon as you wake up in the morning, workout for at least 30 mins to an hour. Burn up unwanted calories by putting large leg muscles to work.
  • Honey is considered to be an outstanding home remedy. Make a mixture of two teaspoon of lime juice, one teaspoon of honey, in a glass of water, add some pepper to it & have it regularly.
  • Stop nibbling between meals. Train yourself to have less food. You will enjoy living on a reduced diet. Instead of eating only 2 meals during the day like lunch & dinner, try to eat 4-5 more small mini-meals spaced 2-3 hours apart during the day.
  • Spices like ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for losing weight. Drink ginger tea 2-3 times a day. It is also a good remedy for obesity.
  • Two teaspoon of lime juice added to water also helps in losing weight. Have it frequently. Drink a glass of boiled water daily after every meal. It will also help you in obesity natural cure.
  • Your diet should include green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and carrots. They are low in calories, but high in vitamins and minerals and have real food value. Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables and low calorie foods. Eat tomato in the morning and in salad. Make it a regular habit.
  • Try to eat 10-12 fully grown curry leaves every morning for 3 to 4 months. It may prove beneficial for the obese people in losing weight.
  • Take a handful of jujube or Indian plum leaves. It should be soaked overnight in water. You can drink this water in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. This treatment should be continued for at least one month to achieve good results.
  • Chutney of green mint with some simple spices can be taken with meals. Mint tea also helps. Mint is very helpful in losing weight.
  • Make a mixture of 1/4th teaspoon powdered black pepper, 3 teaspoon lime juice and 1 teaspoon honey in a cup of water. Drinking this for 3-4 months can be helpful for the obese people.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Why walking is good for your health...

Walking is a suitable physical activity for most people. Regular walking can help you lose body fat, maintain a healthy weight, improve your fitness and reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers.

Walking is low impact, requires minimal equipment, can be done at any time of day and can be performed at your own pace. You can get out and walk without worrying about some of the risks associated with other more vigorous forms of exercise. It’s also a great form of physical activity for people who are overweight, elderly or those who haven’t exercised in a long time.

Benefits of walking
You carry your own body weight when you walk. This is sometimes called ‘weight bearing’ exercise. Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness
  • Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Improved management of conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, joint and muscular pain or stiffness, and diabetes
  • Stronger bones and improved balance
  • Increased muscle strength and endurance
  • Reduced body fat.
Walk for 30 minutes a day
To get the health benefits, try to walk for at least 30 minutes as briskly as you can most days of the week. ‘Brisk’ means that you can still talk but not sing, and you may be puffing slightly.
Moderate activities such as walking pose little health risk but, if you have a medical condition, check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program of physical activity.

Build physical activity into your life
If it’s too difficult to walk for 30 minutes at one time, do regular small bouts (10 minutes) three times per day and gradually build up to longer sessions. If your goal is to lose weight, you will need to do physical activity for longer than 30 minutes each day. You can achieve this by starting with smaller bouts of activity throughout the day and increasing these to sessions of more than 30 minutes as your fitness improves.

Physical activity built into a daily lifestyle plan is also one of the most effective ways to assist with weight loss and keep weight off once it’s lost. Some suggestions to build walking into your daily routine include:

  • Try taking the stairs instead of the lift (for at least part of the way).
  • Get off public transport one stop earlier and walk to work or home.
  • Do housework like vacuuming.
  • Walk (don’t drive) to the local shops.
  • Walk the dog (or your neighbour’s dog).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Laughter is the Best Medicine...

Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health.

Laughter is good for your health

  • Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
  • Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
  • Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
  • Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
Here are some ways to start:
  • Smile. Smiling is the beginning of laughter. Like laughter, it’s contagious. Pioneers in “laugh therapy,” find it’s possible to laugh without even experiencing a funny event. The same holds for smiling. When you look at someone or see something even mildly pleasing, practice smiling.
  • Count your blessings. Literally make a list. The simple act of considering the good things in your life will distance you from negative thoughts that are a barrier to humor and laughter. When in a state of sadness, we have further to travel to get to humor and laughter.
  • When you hear laughter, move toward it. Sometimes humor and laughter are private, a shared joke among a small group, but usually not. More often, people are very happy to share something funny because it gives them an opportunity to laugh again and feed off the humor you find in it. When you hear laughter, seek it out and ask, “What’s funny?” 
  • Spend time with fun, playful people. These are people who laugh easily–both at themselves and at life’s absurdities–and who routinely find the humor in everyday events. Their playful point of view and laughter are contagious.
  • Bring humor into conversations. Ask people, “What’s the funniest thing that happened to you today? This week? In your life?”

How to build a Perfect body......

Start today: Don't postpone. Begin today by going for a walk for 30 minutes. Tell yourself you've turned over a new leaf.

Check with a doctor if you are seriously overweight or have medical conditions. He will tell you how much exercise you can tolerate in the beginning. It does not not matter if you have to take tiny steps to start with. You will notice improvements in your health after only a couple of weeks.
Be realistic: Don't be over-ambitious. You are more likely to stay with a program that demands 30 minutes a day than an hour a day. If 30 minutes a day is too much, do 20. If that's too much, start with 10 minutes.

Avoid pain: Getting in shape should not involve physical pain. If it hurts, you are trying too hard, running too fast, lifting too much. Gradual improvement is way better than forced and painful improvement. When you are in good shape, your body will be able to withstand the pain and discomfort of racing and competitive sport. But it takes many months of work to get to the stage where your body can easily and harmlessly overcome the pain of exertion.

Exercise regularly: For the first month, set aside 30 minutes, 5 times a day and stick to it.

Don't do too much: Don't exercise to the point of exhaustion. It will put you off exercising the next time.

Build up gradually: If you feel good after one session, don't double the dose for the next session. At most, make your workouts only 10 percent more demanding each week.

Don't be discouraged by the excellence of others. Let others inspire you rather than make you feel bad about yourself.

Don't get disheartened if your early enthusiasm wears thin or your weight loss or fitness don't quickly reach the goals you set for yourself. You must think long term. Huge improvements will come in time. Your face and body shape will change. You will easily do things that used to exhaust you. You will be more mentally alert.

Energy drinks are a waste of money: They are packed with sugar, calories, and substances of dubious value. They are not worth the money. Water or good old Gatorade are better.

Cut down on alcohol. Drinking a lot of beer, wine and liquor is not good for you. It will interfere with your fitness program.

No need to go it alone: Not everyone wants to exercise alone. If you join a gym, running group, or fitness class, you'll be motivated by the people around you -- and you'll help to motivate them.

Don't reward yourself with the wrong stuff: A good fitness session doesn't mean you deserve an extra portion of doughnuts or a big can of energy drink. Stick to water, eat healthy food. Don't head straight to the bar after a workout.

Avoid temptation: When you make the commitment to get in shape, it'll help if you avoid going out with drinking buddies who'll pressure you into guzzling beer and munching on pizza, nachos, and burgers. It can be a pain having to say no to temptation. It is easier to avoid those situations altogether.

Don't get drawn into unnecessary and counter-productive competition with friends and fellow exercisers: If you exercise with friends or family members you can get so competitive it ruins your enjoyment. It can make you run harder than you normally would, lift more than you need to, or peddle further than is helpful. There is a fine line between improvement via encouragement, and defeat and injury as a result of taking on too much, too soon. If you find yourself getting drawn into an "arms race" that is not helping you, back off. It's easy to tell someone the pace is too fast, the weight too heavy, or the session too long. If the person is foolishly competitive, without feelings for others, they will think they have won. You will know better.

Sleep well, rest well: Fitness goes hand in hand with rest. Your body needs time to recover from exercise. Get a good night's sleep and rest on rest days.

Never exercise when injured: It is not worth the price you will have to pay later. Running for a few days on an injured foot can result in months of injury. If you have the type of injury that does not go away after some minutes or a mile of exercise, stop it and rest. Remember: ice, ibuprofen, and rest. See a doctor or physical therapist if the problem persists for more than a week..................................

Drinking water and weight loss......

Water naturally helps to suppresses your appetite and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will help you lose weight and burn fat.
Some people don't drink enough water when they diet, thinking they'll lose weight. But just the opposite happens. If you don't drink enough water every day, your body may be storing water and fat that you don't need.

A new fact sheet from the University of Minnesota Water Resource Center incorporates research from several different sources into a concise, short guide on drinking water to lose weight. Here are some highlights:

You need water for your body to burn fat. Without water, your kidneys can not do their job properly and your liver must pitch in to help. While it's helping the kidneys, your liver can't burn as much fat, so some of the fat that would normally be used as fuel gets stored in your body instead. 

Drinking more water lets the liver get back to its own job of turning fat into fuel.

Your body needs water-it's sixty percent water. But if you don't drink enough, your body thinks it's in danger and tries to hold onto all the water it can get. The water is stored between the cells and shows up as extra weight. Your feet, legs and hands may even swell up. When your body gets enough water, the stored water is released.
The more water you drink, the less you'll eat. Water is nature's own appetite suppressant. A glass of water before eating will help you feel full and eat less. You'll also get rid of extra salt by drinking water (salt can also cause the body to hold onto water).
Drink at least 8, eight-ounce glasses of water every day. If you're overweight, drink an additional glass for every Twenty-five pounds of excess weight.

Cold or cool water is best. It's absorbed much faster and cold water may burn more calories. And don't drink cola, Mountain Dew or anything with caffeine in it. Caffeine is a diuretic and will cause you to lose water.

Easy Fast Weight Loss Ideas.....

In today's world, where everybody is getting conscious about looking good, it has become all the more necessary to keep oneself in shape. If you have a good figure, not only it enables you to flaunt your body, but also it helps in boosting your confidence level. For some people, obesity becomes a serious cause of concern, thus affecting their mental fitness.

There are several reasons as why some people are overweight. It is interesting to know that your metabolism rate has a major impact on your weight loss program. People with low metabolism have a hard time in losing weight because of their slow metabolism fat gets stored in their bodies. There are some people who suffer from the problem of hormonal imbalance, but one of the major causes of obesity in people is their unhealthy eating habits and inadequate exercising.

Given here are some easy and fast weight loss ideas:
  • Make water your favorite drink. A person must have a minimum of 8 glasses of water in a day. Avoid taking soft drinks or carbonated beverages; moreover replace them with water. Water helps in reducing weight in the most effective manner.
  • Don't stuff yourself with food in a single sitting; instead have 5 to 6 small meals or snacks in a day. Eating several small meals helps the body to release less insulin, which keeps blood sugar steady and helps to control hunger.
  • Make a habit of walking. Instead of driving car to the nearby market, prefer walking down. Walking is more important for people in sedentary jobs. Walk for at least 45 minutes every day; it helps in burning extra calories.
  • Keep small plates for serving food because a study shows that the less food put in front of us, the less food we'll eat. So downsize your food plates and coffee mugs, and say goodbye to those extra calories.
  • Eat more vegetables during meals as water-rich foods like zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers reduce your overall calorie consumption. Some other water-rich foods include soups and salads; they are good source of nutrition.
  • Use vegetables to make hefty meals. Like pasta salad loaded with vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes can be eaten twice. Same applies for stir-fries; add vegetables to make a fluffier omelet.
  • Avoid taking white foods as they contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which may further lead to weight gain. Replace white sugar, white rice, and white flour with whole grain breads and brown rice.
  • Switch to ordinary coffee because coffee drinks at shops has extra calories, owing to whole milk, whipped cream, sugar, and sugary syrups. A cup of regular coffee, having skim milk brewed with good beans, tastes great and moreover has fewer calories.
  • Use skimmed milk as it is high in calcium and low in calories. For coffee, use nonfat powdered milk.
  • Prefer eating cereal for breakfast five days a week. Following this, you will consume more fiber and calcium, and less fat than those who eat other breakfast foods.
  • Prefer having meals at home. We're more likely to eat more - in fact, more high-fat, and high-calorie foods- when we eat out than eating at home.
  • Try to eat slowly and put your fork or spoon down after every bite. Drink water often and talk about your day with your partner. If you eat slowly, you would feel contended with your meal.
  • Eat only when your stomach wants food. Usually out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or frustration; many of us unnecessarily have food. If you want to have something specific, it's probably a craving, not hunger.
  • Prefer flavorings like hot sauce, salsa, and Cajun seasonings rather than butter and creamy or sugary sauces. These flavorings not only provide flavor with no fat and few calories, but the spicy ones also turn up digestive fires, causing your body to burn more calories.
  • Eat fruit rather than drinking fruit juice. Eating whole foods will keep you satisfied for longer period of time than juice. Moreover, fruit juices are very high in calories.
  • Eat equal portions of vegetables and grains at dinner. A cup of cooked rice or pasta has about 200 calories, while a cup of cooked veggies has just 50 calories. This will help to avoid a grain calorie overload, and high-fiber veggies will help satisfying your hunger.
  • After every two hours, get up and walk around the office or your home for five minutes. A brisk five-minute walk after every two hours will you're your body active.
  • Once a week, make a habit of washing something thoroughly - could be floor, windows, shower cabin, bathroom tiles, car, etc. It helps in burning out about four calories for every minute spent in cleaning.
  • Take a walk before dinner and it'll not only burn calories, but also cut down your appetite.
  • Prefer not eating with a large group as we tend to eat more when we eat with other people, probably because we spend more time at the table. When eating in groups take a note of time and leave the plate, as and when you have had enough.
  • Skip watching TV for an hour and go for a walk instead. Or else, you have now time to finish your domestic chores.
  • Take most of the calories before noon because studies tell that the more you eat in the morning, the less you'll eat in the evening. Moreover, you will get more chances to burn off those early-day calories than late-night calories.
  • Order alcohol by the glass, not the bottle. This way, you'll be more aware of how much alcohol you're intaking. Alcohol is high in calories, however moderate drinking can be good for your health.
  • Stock your refrigerator with low-fat yogurt. Cut down 500 calories a day from your diet and eat yogurt three times a day for 12 weeks. It will help you lose more weight and body fat.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Top 10 Ways to Burn Fat in 10 days

Excessive fat stored in the body causes a number of health risks. For instance, a man with excessive fat stored around the midsection is just asking for trouble. Unfortunately, about two-thirds of men in the world are now fighting obesity or excessive weight.
Experts have conducted numerous studies, which indicate that belly fat, specifically in men, is a direct cause of a number of health problems. However, if these men, and women, were to burn fat, the increased risk begins to decline dramatically.

Whether you are a man or woman, it is essential that you start to burn fat to ensure you remain healthy. In this article, I wanted to provide you with the top ten ways to burn fat so you not only have a healthier body, but also feel and look better. Taking care of your body is the best decision you can make and we will show you how.
1. BMI

Before you do anything to burn fat, you have to know your BMI or Body Mass Index, which is a means of measuring not weight, but fat. You will find hundreds of BMI calculators online to help. Most people are shocked by how high their BMI really is a great motivator to burn fat and keep it off.

2. Exercise - Without doubt, the best ways to burn fat is by incorporating exercise into your daily life. By exercising regularly for a minimum of 30 minutes every day, you will begin to see major changes. Although any type of exercise is beneficial when time to burn fat, aerobics are the best. These exercises would include biking, swimming, jogging, walking, and hiking. In addition, you will gain other benefits such as a healthier heart and lungs.

3. Calories

In addition to exercise this is the most important thing, to burn fat you need to reduce the amount of calories consumed. For this, simply cut the portions of foods eaten by one-third and one-half if possible. If you find yourself hungry, add more high fiber foods to the diet, which will make you feel fuller.

4. Fat Burners

Now, rather than expect supplements to burn fat alone, you need to view supplements more as a tool that aids other methods of burning fat. In other words, along with better diet and exercise, supplements can be highly beneficial in burning fat.

In fact, a number of supplements currently on the market target burning fat but unfortunately, many of them do not work. However, one particular supplement that has been studied and proven successful when it comes time to burn fat is called ECA Stack, which is made from caffeine, ephedrine, and aspirin. Although effective, keep in mind that through clinical studies, people only burned an extra 150 calories per day, again making fat burners good but only as an aid.

5. Yard Work and Cleaning

If you were unable to get to the gym or you find that moderate exercise is difficult, another ways to burn fat is by working in the yard or cleaning house to burn fat. The activity of both is enough to burn fat quite effectively. Spending just one hour raking or gardening, or vacuuming, dusting, and picking up, will make certainly help.

6. Stairs

Too often, people will go to work, the mall, doctor's office, and so on, choosing the elevator instead of the stairs. Again, to burn fat, you simply need to change this routine, forcing yourself to go up and down the stairs. If you work in a building with your office on the fourth floor, and you take the stairs every day, within two weeks, you would notice change.

7. Sports

This is another best ways to burn fat, because you are giving the body a good workout. Anything such as volleyball, basketball, softball, tennis, or bowling, not only helps to burn fat but also calories. Additionally, while you are doing something to burn fat, you are also getting to have fun.

8. Tea

Yes, you will have the opportunity to burn fat by drinking certain types of tea. For instance, if you drink caffeinated black or green tea daily, you will lose weight. In this case, the caffeine causes metabolic changes, which helps to burn calories. It has also been determined that drinking tea or even taking tea supplements with a meal help block the absorption of carbohydrates. Of course, both black and green tea is known for their many benefits that go beyond burning fat and calories.

9. Breakfast

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which is true. New evidence shows that people who skip breakfast actually have increased body weight. The reason is that skipping breakfast typically leads to higher calorie and fat intake with the evening meal. Therefore, to burn fat and get your body off to a good start, eat a breakfast of egg whites, whole grain toast, oatmeal, and/or fresh fruit.

10. Low-Fat Dairy

While calcium derived from low-fat dairy does not help with burning calories, it does discourage body fat. Studies now show that low-fat dairy causes the body to absorb fewer fat calories due to the calcium. Keep in mind that men especially seem to benefit from calcium found in low-fat dairy but it is also beneficial to women.